Draw a Charge … to Win!

First step… Watch this video and focus on how the players land after taking a charge…

Art of the Charge

Second step to Draw a Charge… Do it Safely
– “Catch the charge with your chest”… don’t expect the referees to give the charge call if it doesn’t LOOK like a charge. One way to make it “look right” is to catch the offensive player’s movement with your chest as opposed to your arms or legs (which would probably get called as a foul on the defender).
– When you watched the video, did you noticed that most players landed on their butts / backs, not their elbows or tailbone and certainly not their heads?Putting your hands out might lessen the impact of the fall but not everyone uses that technique because it is possible you might sprain a wrist or bruise your hand which could impact other aspects of your game such as shooting or dribbling.
– Critical to not bounce your head on the floor. Look up toward the player committing the charge. This will add a curve to your shoulders and back which can protect you head from impacting the floor and causing a serious injury.
– Part of safety is expecting the contact and knowing when it will happen. This leads into the content of the video which presented a number of real-game opportunities to draw a charge.

Situational Opportunities to Draw a Charge!
These are all presented in the video…
1. On Ball charge
2. Help side charge
3. Low post charge
4. Ball Screen charge
5. Transition charge
6. Gap charge
7. Out of bounds… Draw charge
8. Game Winning charge

The charge is a defensive tool and the more you know about how to draw a charge, the more successful your team will be. Review the situations presented in the video and see if you can recognize them in your games.

Be safe… and win!

How to Get Into Basketball Shape

First off, let me acknowledge a great idea and the inspiration for this article about getting into basketball shape…

The basketball mile (courtesy of PGC basketball). Basketball Shape article by PGC

The theory behind the “basketball mile” is to simulate all the running in a full game including the starts/stops, breaks between quarters and more. The reason I am featuring this drill is because it simulates a real game. It also gives you more rest time if you run each segment faster. It might not be an exact match for the running that is done in a game, but it is a pretty good approximation.

QUICK Bonus download for BWM readers…

Coach Wheeler has come up with a “timing sheet” that shows when each segment of this drill should start so you can simply run the game clock continuously and call out start times. The timing sheet also allows you to mark off which players complete each segment. You can even add information such as the winner of each segment. If you want you can record any violations (double dribble, travel or turnover) if you are incorporating a ball into the drill. It’s up to you if you want to add a penalty for mistakes (pushups?).

Click the links below to download the Timing Sheet (using “Save As”) that utilizes 20 second segments or 15 second segments …

[Timing sheet – 20 sec segments] Basketball Mile Drill Chart

[Timing sheet – 15 sec segments]

Ways to make it harder…

One of the key roles of a coach is to challenge the players on their team so they are given an opportunity to grow and improve. The basketball mile is already a pretty challenging drill but how can your team get more value out of doing it?

The PGC article (link here) suggests making the time for each sprint segment shorter (see the 15 second sheet for timing cues) and/or dribbling a ball while sprinting. I might add a few more “twists” to create challenges that will help you in a game.

First, add two free throws at the end and record who makes one or both of them. Free throws at the end of a game (when you are tired) can make the difference between winning and losing. Don’t waste the exhaustion that this drill provides. The timing sheets provide a line at the bottom to collect how each player did on their free throws.

Second, make it more competitive by recording who wins each sprint. Perhaps the player who wins the most sprints takes the last two foul shots for a team win (while individuals can shoot for their own “win”).

Thirdly, how will you start or introduce this drill? How about having two players race each other while the rest of the team watches? If you time them, you can ask the question to the team… is this pace fast enough for us to win our games?

Fourth, can you figure out a way to work in passing as part of the drill? Ideally players would have an opportunity to both dribble and pass based on whatever rules you come up with. Maybe players are paired up so that they pass the ball back and forth as they sprint the first leg and whoever ends up with the ball one step from half-court would have to dribble it back.

Finally, you could record the players who don’t finish the sprint in the time required. They can finish the rest of the sprints “at their leisure” or as additional conditioning work, but those who don’t meet the time targets could be marked on the recording sheet. Can you think of other scenarios? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

Final thoughts about How to get in Basketball Shape?

If you ask any basketball coach they would say that the sooner your players get in “basketball shape”, the sooner they will be ready to learn new skills and compete successfully on the court. The “Basketball Mile” is a great tool and there are plenty of ways that it can help your players get in Basketball Shape … the kind of shape that wins games!

Embrace The Grind.

Are you Grinding?

Do you even know what it means to Grind?

Lots of people talk about “The Grind” but what does it mean for you?

This is what will likely be a series about what it means to Grind and how you can do it better. I will start with this example. It is an excellent (basketball related) excerpt about “The Grind” from Coach John Calipari’s book, “Players First”…

Players First by John CalipariWeekends, holidays, just about every chance I got I was in the gym working on my game. I’d take shots from different parts of the floor, practice foul shots, work on my ball handling. I wrote down everything I did. I tell my guys now: “You’ve got to love the grind.” That’s something they probably hear from me more than anything else. You’ve got to love the grind. Embrace the work. Embrace the sweat. Embrace the pain.

And keep track of it all, because it keeps you honest. You’ve got to chart a workout and chart your shots. If there’s not something measurable, it’s not real. You say to yourself, I’m taking five hundred shots before I leave this gym, and I’m doing it every day. Count them up and write down how many you made.

Are you grinding towards your goal?

The Grind is about making progress.  It’s not always big steps. Sometimes the improvement is almost imperceptible it is so small. Sometimes you try something and it doesn’t work or, worse, it sets you back 5 steps. The Grind is about  wanting something enough that you are willing to keep persisting even when the going gets rough.

Here’s a quote and some explanation from an author, Ed Mylett, whose book, “One More”, I read this summer…

“It’s what you do when you aren’t motivated that determines success or failure.” – Ed Mylett

Ed explains … “Everyone has limits, and it’s natural for motivation to wane over time. When this happens, it’s crucial to examine your mindset. Being unmotivated happens to everyone; it’s an opportunity to look closely at when you need to power through and when you may need to step away to avoid burnout, overwhelm, or other health challenges. By balancing what absolutely must be done along with rest and relaxation time, you set yourself up for long term success.”

The Grind has 3 parts…

  1. Know what you want.
  2. Go after it.
  3. Don’t stop until you get it.

Where are you relative to your goal? Are you Grinding now so you will have success when it counts?  In basketball, the summer is the best time to Grind because your competition might be taking days off. They might be relaxing and thinking that since they were successful last season, they will be successful next season.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The summer is the time when you pass your competition. You try new things. You work out and gain strength. You add skills. You take all aspects of your game to a new level.

Are you Grinding?

First to 60 – winning high school basketball games in NH

First to 60 high school basketballWhat does “First to 60” mean? A quick review of the winners and losers in NH high school basketball shows something interesting. The teams that win seem to be the ones that score more than 60 points in a game. Sure there are exceptions, especially in tightly contested games or defensive struggles, but as a general rule it seems to hold true. Could we do a statistical analysis and get specific number? Maybe. But even without seeing the actual games, it also makes sense (at least to me) that the first team to score 60 holds an advantage over their competition.

Deeper with “First to 60”

To start, by definition, if you are the first team to get to 60 points, you are also leading your competition which should be an indication that you have a good shot to win the game. On top of that, since most competitive (non-blowout) high school basketball games are in the 45-65 points range, if you get to 60 first the odds are that you are nearing the end of the game. Combining the last two points means that you are ahead going into the final minutes of the game… which is certainly better than the alternative, right?

What if you took the “First to 60” as your strategic approach?
How would it change your mindset and approach to the game?

It could shift your focus from the current score and put it on playing faster while looking for scoring opportunities. If you get down by 5 or even 10 points in the 1st quarter, not a big deal”. Down by 7 or 8 in the second quarter, still not a big deal, right?  The third quarter gets serious and you should start to see your runway to getting to 60. Granted, you want to be “First to 60″ so defense is as important as offense.

It helps you keep the big picture approach and not get distracted by a short run by your opponent. It is important to react to changes during the game but a big part of momentum is your mental outlook. If you expect to get to 60 points before your opponent, you react to their challenges without thinking that “the game is over”.

What do you think?

I am sure there are many coaches or experienced players who can give reasons why this is a great idea …. or the stupidest thing that any high school basketball team could ever do. I welcome your feedback, especially the questions and criticism because it makes us think better and develop strategies that are more powerful. Please leave a comment below with your thoughts on the “First to 60” approach. Did I miss something? I can’t wait to hear what you have to say. [Please be sure to include a bit about your background – coach? player? parent? referee? all of the above?- so we can better understand your perspective.]



Mamba Mentality – a tribute to Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant coined the phrase, “Mamba Mentality” to describe his approach… to basketball, to competition, to life.

Mamba Mentality - tribute to Kobe BryantAs a life-long Celtics fan, it was hard for me to root for a Lakers player but you have to respect Kobe Bryant and his approach to the game of basketball. With his untimely passing, the time was right to take a look at how his mind worked and hopefully discover some of the secrets to his success.

I recently found the video below and it provides some of the best insights into how Kobe approached the game and his life. I’m not sure what else I can say except that it is well worth watching. If you want to be one of the best at something, this video will give you ideas that you can implement today. If you feel like you didn’t really know Kobe Bryant aside from his basketball career, this video provides glimpses into many other dimensions of the man.

I encourage you to watch this video and if you like it, please leave a comment below.

What did you think?
What can you learn from the Mamba Mentality?

Are you putting in the effort that is required to get what you SAY you want? Does your daily process and habits support your goals?

Do you have the Mamba Mentality? Are you serious about your game? Your life?

Inspirational Video – How hard are you working?

The inspirational video below is by ET, the hip hop preacher, and contains one of my favorite quotes…

“All men are created equal… some work harder in preseason.”
– Emmitt Smith

Check it out and see if it is as inspirational for you…

Ask yourself…

How hard are you working on the most important things in your life?

Do you have your priorities clear and in front of you at all times?

Are you willing to give up your cell phone to achieve success?


Game Face – Get it ON!

This blog article is dedicated to Eddie Siebert. Coach Wheeler, back when he was Player Wheeler, played with (and won championships) with him. Eddie taught me about the importance of “game face”. His famous quote, before every game, was “Get Your Game Face On!”

The video below from BasketballBrain.com is a great overview of the 3 types of approaches used by basketball players and it is worth watching.  Check it out…

The 3 types of basketball game face from the video are 1) Joyous, 2) No Expression and 3) Mean, Fierce or Angry. The video has some excellent NBA examples of each one so you can learn more about each one. The key to all of them is that they bring a focus to your game and just like you can improve your mood by physically smiling, the way you move your face can impact the way you feel and how you play the game.

Which one are you?

First, let me say that you NEED a Game Face. It is a sign to your team mates, your coach and even your opponents that you are serious about winning the game. The question is… Which game face works for you? I should also add that you may tap into different ones depending on the game situation and how you or your team is playing. Sometimes they need a “kick in the pants” and a Fierce Game Face might be needed. Or you might be getting shut down by the other team’s defense so you could break through and show some Joy (and your confidence) when you school them.

It is contagious!

Your attitude, demonstrated through your game face and how you play, is contagious and is an important way you can influence your team. Michael Jordan set a very high standard for the Bulls and they rose to the challenge. (The Washington Wizards… not so much.) What attitude are you bringing to your team? Are you making the practices more effective? Or just walking through them and not getting better? Your attitude & how you express it should help your team, not slow them down or give them reasons to doubt your commitment to winning.

Get You Game Face On!Want to learn more about Attitude?

Visit the “Attitude” page with all the articles about Attitude from the Building a Winning Mindset Blog ! It is important and there are lots of ways to look at it.

Think about it…

What kind of attitude do you want to bring to the game? How are you going to step up so you can defeat the competition? The choice is yours. Now, GO GET YOUR GAME FACE ON !

Pushing Players – Coach Cal Wisdom

Here is another excerpt from Coach John Calipari’s book, “Players First, Coaching from the inside out” that talks about what it means when a coach is “pushing players” to improve…

Players First by John Calipari

None of my players are as ready as they think they are for how we play at Kentucky – let alone ready for the pros – because they have rarely if ever been really pushed. They have gotten accustomed to dominating even while putting out three-quarters effort. In fact, they probably don’t even know they play at three-quarters speed. That’s one of the things I have to show them.

How do you push the players on your team? Are they challenged to reach their full potential?

Coach Cal’s book provides some stories about how he recruits star players by being radically truthful with them. He feels that by telling the truth, even when it might be uncomfortable, he is able to inspire trust.

Here is a link to the previous blog article about this book… click here.

How are you pushing players on your team? Please leave a note in the comments with your story!

Players First – Wisdom from Coach Cal

Players First by John CalipariBelow is an excerpt from a book that I just finished reading. The book is by Coach John Calipari and Michael Sololove and it is titled “Players First, Coaching from the Inside Out.” The excerpt explains Coach Cal’s “Players First” philosophy…

… There was a time I coached partly for myself – for status, respect, money, wins. I’m not immune to any of these things, but they’re not really the point anymore, either. … I coach for the names on the back of the jerseys – not just the front. My players. They are sent to me by their fathers, their mothers, their grandmothers and their aunts – whoever in this world raised them and loves them. Others look at their NBA bodies and consider them lucky. Future millionaires, just stopping through before they cash in. That’s not what I see. They’re kids, some of them as young as seventeen years old. They all need me in a different way. Some want my affection, others my approval. It’s a burden to be responsible for other people’s children, sometimes a heavy burden.

“Players First” sounds like a great way to think about coaching, even if you are not the head coach of the Kentucky Men’s Division 1 basketball program. Even if your players are not future NBA draft picks, it is good to think about the responsibility you, as a coach, have to them and the people who raised them.

Other Book Reviews

If you are looking for other books to help you build a winning mindset, check out these book reviews on the blog… 12 Rules For Life and The Undoing Project.

There are loads of great ideas in Coach Cal’s book and you can look forward to seeing a few more excerpts from the book on this blog. Please leave a comment below and tell us how this idea of “Players First” compares to your own coaching philosophy. I know there must be some coaches out there that coach their team to put the name on the front before the name on the back. That’s a Team-First focus and it is a good thing, right?

Handles – Loose vs Tight

Every player wants to improve the ball handling skills, right? But how? The video below has some excellent examples of “Loose” versus “Tight” handles and the advantages of each. Every player probably has a preference and if you are very good at either one, you can probably overcome most of the drawbacks listed in the video.

Check out the video and let us know what you think in the comments… and look for an added “Handles Tip” from Coach Wheeler under the video.


What did you think? Which type of player are you?

Keys to Improved Handles

Coach Wheeler teaches that the 3 Keys to developing your ball handling, a.k.a. “handles” to the point that they are above average are Strength, Speed and Style.

Strength includes, but is not limited to hand strength, arm strength and overall core strength. Lower body strength is important as well but it is largely covered by the second key, Speed.

Speed is important because while dribbling can be impressive, if you don’t score it doesn’t matter. If you can’t move past defenders then all you are doing is wasting time with the ball. This time that could be put to better use for your team.

There are many ways to evaluate speed – long distance (full court), short distances (1/4 court) and even micro distances of one or two steps (enough to get by your defender). The last one is often referred to as “explosiveness”. There are times when you may appear more agile than you really are because you have developed moves that throw off your defenders. Which brings us to “Style”…

Style is sort of a catch-all for the skills you develop and what you can do with the basketball while moving. Most players have a small array of moves that they feel confident enough to use in games. I call these “game-capable moves” and can be almost anything. Examples are a crossover, spin, behind the back, hesitation, inside-out, pull-back and many more.

It is important to put in the practice in the off-season so that you develop all aspects of your handles… Strength, Speed & Style.