Pushing Players – Coach Cal Wisdom

Here is another excerpt from Coach John Calipari’s book, “Players First, Coaching from the inside out” that talks about what it means when a coach is “pushing players” to improve…

Players First by John Calipari

None of my players are as ready as they think they are for how we play at Kentucky – let alone ready for the pros – because they have rarely if ever been really pushed. They have gotten accustomed to dominating even while putting out three-quarters effort. In fact, they probably don’t even know they play at three-quarters speed. That’s one of the things I have to show them.

How do you push the players on your team? Are they challenged to reach their full potential?

Coach Cal’s book provides some stories about how he recruits star players by being radically truthful with them. He feels that by telling the truth, even when it might be uncomfortable, he is able to inspire trust.

Here is a link to the previous blog article about this book… click here.

How are you pushing players on your team? Please leave a note in the comments with your story!

Players First – Wisdom from Coach Cal

Players First by John CalipariBelow is an excerpt from a book that I just finished reading. The book is by Coach John Calipari and Michael Sololove and it is titled “Players First, Coaching from the Inside Out.” The excerpt explains Coach Cal’s “Players First” philosophy…

… There was a time I coached partly for myself – for status, respect, money, wins. I’m not immune to any of these things, but they’re not really the point anymore, either. … I coach for the names on the back of the jerseys – not just the front. My players. They are sent to me by their fathers, their mothers, their grandmothers and their aunts – whoever in this world raised them and loves them. Others look at their NBA bodies and consider them lucky. Future millionaires, just stopping through before they cash in. That’s not what I see. They’re kids, some of them as young as seventeen years old. They all need me in a different way. Some want my affection, others my approval. It’s a burden to be responsible for other people’s children, sometimes a heavy burden.

“Players First” sounds like a great way to think about coaching, even if you are not the head coach of the Kentucky Men’s Division 1 basketball program. Even if your players are not future NBA draft picks, it is good to think about the responsibility you, as a coach, have to them and the people who raised them.

Other Book Reviews

If you are looking for other books to help you build a winning mindset, check out these book reviews on the blog… 12 Rules For Life and The Undoing Project.

There are loads of great ideas in Coach Cal’s book and you can look forward to seeing a few more excerpts from the book on this blog. Please leave a comment below and tell us how this idea of “Players First” compares to your own coaching philosophy. I know there must be some coaches out there that coach their team to put the name on the front before the name on the back. That’s a Team-First focus and it is a good thing, right?

Book Review-Undoing Project by Michael Lewis

Book Review-The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis
click the image above to purchase “The Undoing Project” on Amazon!

Michael Lewis’s book “The Undoing Project” is a story about the relationship between two people who studied how the mind works and, in particular, why we sometimes do unexpected things.  I am big fan of “counter-intuitive” thinking and this book provided some clues to when we think well and when we trick ourselves into believing things that might not be in our best interest.

What is “Undoing”?

Undoing, as mentioned in the project, is the human nature to think of ways that some event might be “undone”. For example, if someone gets into an accident on the way to work it is common to think that if “they left just a few minutes earlier or later”, they would have avoided being at the location of the accident all together.

People often look for the smallest deviation that might create a new reality, and especially if they were wounded (either directly or indirectly) by the event it can make us feel better to think about how the past could be different. Making the past different” might be the simplest way to think of “Undoing” and the book discusses a number of parameters that we use.

For example, we look for small changes vs. large, maybe unlikely, changes. In the car accident example, we don’t usually say “If only they took the #2 bus to the A-train and then a cab from the station to work.” Simplicity is our friend when we are “Undoing”.

Quick side note… The last part of the book talks about how the relationship between the two psychologists, which had been highly productive for many years, begins to break down as they move in different directions. In a way, this is an “Undoing” too.

Here are some notes / observations from the book…

[starting on p.197] The ideas below will give you a sampling of the ideas presented in the book. Keep in mind that these ideas, while interesting by themselves, don’t really give you a taste for the stories that are an important part of the book.

  • People predict by making up stories.
  • People predict very little and explain everything.
  • People live under uncertainty whether they like it or not.
  • People believe they can tell the future if they work hard enough.
  • People accept any explanation as long as it fits the facts.

[This seems to be related to the concept of Correlation vs. Causation. It is easy to think when something [consistently?] happens in sequence (i.e. correlated) that the first event causes the second when, in fact, there could be a completely different mechanism at work. – Coach Wheeler]

  • The handwriting was on the wall, it was just the ink was invisible.
  • People often work hard to obtain information they already have and avoid new knowledge.
  • Man is a deterministic device thrown into a probabilistic universe.  In this match, surprises are expected.
  • Everything that has already happened must have been inevitable.
  • We are exposed to a lifetime schedule in which we are most often rewarded for punishing others, and punished for rewarding.
  • “Peak-end Rule” says that “Last impressions can be lasting impressions.” [p.236]
  • [p.206-7] The “Hindsight Bias” is explained/discussed.
Bottom Line… Is The Undoing Project worth reading?

Short answer… Yes.  Longer answer… If you like Michael Lewis’s style of writing and story-telling (e.g. The Blind Side, Moneyball or The Big Short), you will probably enjoy this book as well. In terms of things to learn about how the mind works, there are some good ideas (see notes above) but many of them are not common knowledge. I enjoyed the book and recommend “The Undoing Project” to anyone who has even a passing interest in psychology and how the mind works.


Book Review-12 Rules by Jordan Peterson

12 Rules for lifeJordan Peterson’s book, “12 Rules for Life, An Antidote for Chaos” has some good ideas but it is also heavy on Bible stories and quotes from philosophers and psychologists.

First question you probably have…

Are the 12 Rules worthwhile? Will they help you build a better life? Quick answer: Yes. They are worth reading but you might want to read through the summary below first to see if you are interested in reading more. Some of the chapters can get a little long winded (and go off on a few tangents) so you need to be motivated to stick with the book.

Let’s take a look at a brief summary of each rule…

Rule 1 – Stand up straight with your Rule shoulders back.

This is partly related to “Fake it until you make it.” It means that you should project confidence physically even if you might not be really “feeling it.” [Little secret that goes along with this… if you physically project confidence (or any other emotion really) you will start to move toward the actual feeling. Our emotions are tied to our physical “habits” so if you want to feel better (or more confident), move like you do when you feel that emotion… and the emotion will come.

Grade for Rule 1 … A+ (very worthwhile).

Rule 2 – Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.

Most people treat their pets better than than they treat themselves. They take them for regular checkups while forgetting to do the same thing for themselves. If you are a parent there are an endless number of ways that you sacrifice for your kids. This rule says that you should at least apply the same standards to yourself and while it makes sense, it may be difficult to change your habits when it comes to self-maintenance.

Grade for Rule 2 … B+. This should be common sense but more people need to recognize that they can give more by taking care of themselves instead of sacrificing for others.

Rule 3 – Make Friends with people who want the best for you.

If you have studied nearly anything in the area of “personal development”, you have probably heard the saying that “You are the average of the 5 people who you spend the most time with.” If you hang out with millionaires, the odds are better that you become one too. If you hang out with people who eat poorly and never exercise, what do you think the odds are that you will be overweight? Jordan Peterson takes a little different angle on this concept. He suggests that finding people who will hold you to a higher standard will help you become your best self and realize more of your potential, Good idea. Not especially original but definitely something to apply to your life.

Grade for Rule 3 … A. This is a good idea, just not especially original. You have probably heard something similar already.

Rule 4 – Compare Yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.

This Rule especially applies to athletes but it can be applied to nearly any endeavor (academics, business). What you might think is “talent” may just be the result of someone working on a particular skill for longer than someone else. This article about “The Talent Myth” talks more about this concept.

The key point is that we need to be careful who we compare ourselves to. Everyone has their own journey and often someone else is a currently at a different point in their journey. Use them as an example or learn from them if you want to achieve whatever it is that they have achieved. Seems simple, right? Only if you keep this rule in mind and don’t make yourself feel bad because you “aren’t there yet”!

Grade for Rule 4… A.  Important to remember. Learn from those ahead of you. Don’t feel bad because you aren’t there yet. Get to work!

Rule 5 – Don’t let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.

This rule applies mostly to parents but it could also be applied to managers within a company. Jordan Peterson includes many ideas for raising children as part of his 12 Rules and most of them are built around the idea of socializing kids so they can operate effectively in society. We live in a society and children need to learn what is expected. Making life easy for kids isn’t really doing them any favors in the long run. Another way of phrasing this rule… “Don’t raise a PIA.”

Grade for Rule 5 … B-. Good idea for parents but this rule doesn’t have as much application as the other rules.

Rule 6 – Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.

This is, by far, the best advice of the “12 Rules” book. Another way to say it is to “Tame your demons before tackling the world’s problems.” Jordan Peterson suggests that it is important to “Create Order in your life” where you can. [He talks a lot about “Order” and “Chaos” while drawing comparisons with Heaven and Hell.] The basic idea is that creating Order in your life (by taking control of what you can control) will give you the secure foundation you need to tackle the Chaos you will inevitably encounter.

Quick note… Chaos is not always bad. Creativity and Variety can come from Chaos. Order is not always good. Too much Order and you get boredom or limited growth. This may sound kind of Zen (Jordan explains the meaning of the Zen Circle and how it relates to Chaos/Order too.)

Grade for Rule 6 … A+  Best advice in the book. Do this first.

Rule 7 – Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient).

In other words… Shortcuts are not the answer. “Meaning” comes from “worthwhile challenges” and Jordan suggests that you should choose the challenges that will add meaning to your life. If you have been searching for the “Meaning of Life”, this might be as close to a good answer as you might find.

Grade for Rule 7 … A+. How can the “Meaning of Life” not get an A+? Is it easy to focus on doing something meaningful?…No. Is it worth it… you betcha.

Rule 8 – Tell the truth – or at least, don’t lie.

Truth is a tough subject. Jordan Peterson says Truth is order (and is also easier to remember than nearly any fiction you might conceive). Finding “Truth” also means confronting reality so tht you are not deceiving yourself (or others). The better we deal with reality, the better our results. Former CEO of GE, Jack Welch, has written a number of books and has said that the ability to discover reality and deal with it is one of the keys to the success he had when he ran General Electric.

Another way to state this rule would be to “Be a Pursuer and Purveyor of the Truth”. The only problem with the truth is that sometimes it isn’t “pleasant”. On the other hand, a little short term discomfort (like telling someone they need to improve something) is better than letting the problem grow. Rip that “Truth Bandaid” off quickly! [That’s my metaphor, not Jordan’s].

Grade for Rule 8 … A-  While this rule seems simple, it can be tough to implement. If it was phrased along the lines of “Deal with Reality” (instead of the Truth angle) it might have wider application… but still worth applying!

Rule 9 – Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.

This rule kind of shows how Jordan Peterson is Canadian. Canadians are known for being “nice” (compared to Americans) and this rule is something that will improve the connections you develop through your conversations with other people.

Another way to say it… Learn from others. They have done things you haven’t.  If we focus on what we are going to say, we lose the chance to learn something.

Grade for Rule 9 … A.  If you want to get better, you need new ideas. The best way to get new ideas is from other people. Listen. You have two ears and one mouth. 2-1, Listening to Speaking is a good start!

Rule 10 – Be precise in your speech.

This is one of the rules that isn’t exactly self evident by itself. One part of “precise speech” is the “Avoid blanket statements.” Another is to “Recognize Opinions vs Facts.” Jordan Peterson points out that precise communication requires work. It requires an understanding of the pitfalls of language as well as an open mind. How precise is your language?

Grade for Rule 10 …  A.  This is an area we could all improve and Jordan Peterson is someone who is very precise with his language. [Check out this interview where he talks about the Gender Wage Gap.]

Rule 11 – Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.

This is another rule that applies for parents (or adults who teach or manage children).  Bottom line, according to Jordan Peterson, is that Children need challenges. This is how they explore the edges of their capabilities. They might get hurt. That’s part of the process… and part of the excitement.

Grade for Rule 11 … A.  We all need challenges if we are going to grow. Not everyone will want to be a skateboarder but there are plenty of challenges out there… for adults as well as kids.

Rule 12 – Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.

Another way of saying this (without the cat reference) is to “Engage with Opportunites to LIVE!” This is a good rule to end with because it is very easy to hide in our own little world and miss out on lots of the great parts of life, such as petting a cat (or dog). Don’t forget to connect with the outside world. There are lots of great things going on out there. When the opportunity comes around… ENGAGE!

Grade for Rule 12 … A+. Maybe this grade is higher than it needs to be… but I get to pat my dog every day and I highly recommend it for everyone!

Bottom Line – Is 12 Rules worth a read?

Jordan B. Peterson has clearly thought about life and “what works”. He has a strong grasp of the studies that explain the human condition. He offers wisdom that is generally accepted (and backed by research) within his field (psychology).

By reading the “12 Rules”, I learned a lot about the Bible and the psychology of success. There are plenty of interesting stories and examples … if you can wade through everything else. There are also many pop culture references (and ancient wisdom) that I navigated fairly successfully. On the other hand, some readers who did not grow up in the 60’s/70’s might not get the references. I am about the same age & educational level as Jordan Peterson so we start from a similar frame of reference.

If you found this review of the 12 Rules interesting, you may want to read the book. If you didn’t see anything that you want to dig into, you probably won’t like wading through all of Jordan Peterson’s stories and cultural references.  Professor Peterson tends to go off on tangents so the book is not as easy to read as it could have been. I also found that there were times when it seemed like he was trying to prove how smart he is. As a university professor, this might be second nature but I could probably edit the whole book down to less than 2000 words. [BTW- this post is less than 2000 words.]  Hopefully this post was helpful.

If you have already read the book, please leave a comment below to tell us what you thought about the 12 Rules!

W.I.N. – What’s Important Now?

It is a simple question… “What’s Important Now?” It is also a powerful tool for shaping / programming / improving your thinking to achieve your highest priority goals.

Lou Holtz Book - Whats Important NowThe W.I.N. approach has been used by legendary coaches such as football’s Lou Holtz and the NBA’s Pat Riley. Lou Holtz asked his players to ask themselves the W.I.N. question 25-35 times per day so they would keep themselves on track with the most important goals or activities they had as college football players and students.

Why does W.I.N. work?

“What’s Important Now?” forces your mind to consider your priorities and TAKE Action on them. Once you decide something is important, each time you ask yourself the W.I.N. question, you are reminded that NOW is the time to take action and move in the direction of your goal!

The other reason it works is the fact that “What we focus on increases”. If we focus on the negative things happening in our lives, we see more negatives. By focusing on the positives, we see that there are more good things going on than we may have thought. When you focus on your priorities and goals, you begin to see opportunities and new ways to achieve them. So why don’t we focus on the positives?

Left to itself, the mind runs whatever programs it has accumulated over the years. Unfortunately for many of us, there are plenty of self-defeating programs running around in our heads telling us things such as “you aren’t good enough”, “I’m not ready” or “Tomorrow would be a better time to start”. The “What’s Important Now” question short circuits that thinking and makes us focus on ONE thing… the most important thing. In many ways it simply bypasses our negative programming.

“What’s important now”
also tricks your mind

The other way that the W.I.N. question tricks your mind is that it automatically breaks down your biggest goals into smaller bite-sized actions or steps that you can take NOW. It is about doing something in the present rather than trying to make the huge jump into an ideal future. The “mind trick” occurs when, before you know it, you have either achieved your highest priority (and need to set a new one) or you look up and find that you are about to achieve it. By asking “What’s Important Now” on a regular basis, many times per day, you are training your brain to move toward achieving your highest priority. You are also putting blinders on so that you are not distracted by lower priority activities.

The REAL question is …

Now that you have learned about it, are you going to W.I.N.? Do you know “What’s Important Now”… for you? How are you going to put this idea to work for your life?

Please leave a comment below and tell us your plan or, better yet, tell us how the “What’s Important Now?” question has worked for you! Isn’t your life important enough to apply this powerful tool?