SEEz Oppty: Turning Vision into Victory

Have you ever wondered why certain individuals can spot potential where others see nothing but challenges? These are the ones who seem to have a sixth sense for sniffing out opportunities. The secret isn’t a mystical power – it’s a skill, and one that’s grounded in our very own biology. Welcome to the world where we ‘SEEz Opportunities’.

Spotting Opportunities:
The Power of Your Brain

Seeing opportunities isn’t an exclusive gift only bestowed upon a lucky few. It’s a skill, akin to learning to play the guitar or mastering the art of public speaking. This skill, however, focuses on your perception, and altering the way you perceive the world around you. It’s about examining situations from multiple perspectives and unveiling hidden gems of potential.

This is where the brain’s Reticular Activating System (RAS) comes into play. The RAS is a bundle of nerves at our brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through. It’s the reason you hear your name across a noisy room, or why you spot a friend’s face in a crowded street. Your RAS takes what you focus on and creates a filter for it, sieving through the data and presenting only the pieces that are important to you. This means once you’ve set your goals and defined what opportunities you’re seeking, your RAS will work to highlight those opportunities when they arise.

But how do we develop the skill of seeing opportunities? It starts with setting a clear vision. First, identify the types of opportunities you are seeking. Is it a lucrative business deal? A chance to score in a sports match? A potential relationship? A unique travel experience? Just like setting a GPS before a journey, you need to define your destination before setting out to discover opportunities.

The Story of Airbnb

Take the story of Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, the founders of Airbnb. In 2007, during an industrial design conference in San Francisco, they noticed that hotels were fully booked. Seeing an opportunity, they decided to rent out their living space to those who couldn’t find accommodation. That idea evolved into Airbnb, a billion-dollar company. [For a more in-depth version of this story see our SEEz Opportunity Stories page.]

Once you’ve identified the type of opportunities you’re searching for, broaden your horizon and delve deep. Look at situations from different perspectives, ask ‘what if’ and dare to dream. The world is full of untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered.

Challenge Yourself:
A Different Lens for Perception

To truly develop this skill, challenge yourself to view your world through a new lens. Each experience, encounter, and event harbors potential opportunities. The key lies in priming your RAS to recognize these opportunities. If you’re an entrepreneur, train your RAS not just to see a product, but a solution to a problem, an enhancement to a process, or an entryway to a new market. If you’re an athlete, instruct your RAS to see beyond the game, towards mastering new techniques, fostering resilience, or uncovering a passion for mentorship.

Consider Howard Schultz, who, during a trip to Italy, was captivated by the country’s coffee culture. He didn’t just see a beverage – he saw an opportunity to bring this Italian experience back to America. This new perspective led him to transform Starbucks from a single coffee bean store into a global coffeehouse chain.

But recognizing an opportunity is merely the first step. Identifying potential is futile if you don’t take proactive measures to seize it.

Act Now: The Bridge to Success

It is action that distinguishes the dreamers from the doers. Transforming an opportunity from potential to reality requires action, often involving courage, dedication, and tenacity. It might mean stepping outside your comfort zone or accepting risks. However, as the adage goes, “Fortune favors the bold.”

A classic example is that of JK Rowling, the renowned author of the Harry Potter series. She saw an opportunity to create a unique magical world, but it was her actions – writing the story, persevering through numerous rejections from publishers – that transformed her vision into a reality, creating a billion-dollar franchise in the process. [For a more in-depth version of this story see our SEEz Opportunity Stories page.]

A simple framework to inspire action:

Chart the Next Step: Each opportunity demands a unique course of action. It might involve research, initiating a conversation, or jumping in headfirst. Regardless, identify the next logical step and take it.

Establish a Timeline: Specify a time frame for action. It could be immediate, within a week, or the next month. A timeline imparts urgency and curbs procrastination.

Assess and Adapt: Following your action, evaluate the outcome. Did it bring you closer to seizing the opportunity? If not, refine your approach and try again. Failure isn’t the enemy of success; it’s part of the journey.

The Art of Seizing Opportunities

Comprehending that seeing opportunities is a skill cultivated through intentional mental training, notably through harnessing your RAS, is transformative. Like any skill, it requires practice, patience, and resilience. However, the payoff is substantial. As you master the art of ‘Seez Opportunities’, you’ll start to perceive the world in a new light, spotting potential in previously overlooked corners and ready to seize these opportunities when they emerge.

Encourage a mindset of curiosity, stay receptive to new experiences, and challenge established norms. Armed with this approach, you’ll not only spot opportunities at every turn but also be primed to seize them, converting your visions into victories.

Mandatory Credit: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports

[For a more in-depth story demonstrating how Stephen Curry made the most of the opportunities he was given (and created many of his own opportunities), see our SEEz Opportunity Stories page.]

Remember, opportunities don’t just materialize out of thin air – they’re identified by those with the bravery to see beyond the surface and the commitment to act. So, equip yourself with the correct mindset, sharpen your perception, and get ready to ‘Seez Opportunities’ that will lead you to success. After all, it’s not merely about what you look at, but rather, what you see through the powerful lens of your RAS.

The Need for Speed

The Importance of Speed in Basketball

Basketball is a game of intensity and quick transitions. A key determinant of success in this adrenaline-fueled sport is speed. But when we say ‘speed,’ we’re not merely referring to how fast a player can sprint from one end of the court to the other. Speed in basketball is multidimensional—it encompasses physical agility, mental acuity, and strategic adaptability.

Physical Speed and Agility

Strength and agility allow an athlete to exercise better control. An agile athlete can change direction quickly and outrun his/her opponent.

Norbert Juma, Editor of

At its core, basketball requires physical speed. The ability to swiftly maneuver around the court, both offensively and defensively, can have a profound impact on a player’s performance. The ability to move confidently allows players to reach the basket quicker, defend more effectively, and react to changes in the game instantaneously. It can mean the difference between a well-executed fast break and a missed opportunity.

Speed also ties in closely with agility—the capacity to change direction quickly and efficiently. Agile players are able to dodge defenders, swiftly shift between offensive and defensive modes, and maintain control of the ball under pressure. As Bill Russell famously said, “Quickness is the essence of the game.”

Mental Agility and Decision-Making

“Speed is not just about moving fast;
it’s about making fast decisions.”

John Wooden

Speed, however, is not solely a physical attribute. Cognitive agility —the ability to quickly process information, make decisions, and react accordingly—is equally vital in basketball. When a player has the ball, they need to rapidly assess the situation, consider their options, and make a decision, all in a matter of seconds. This mental agility significantly influences a player’s effectiveness on the court.

Quick decision-making can contribute to efficient plays, reduced turnovers, and well-timed passes. It’s a key factor in running a smooth offense and making split-second decisions that can change the course of the game. As the great basketball coach John Wooden once stated, “Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.”

Strategically Fast and Adaptable?

Finally, strategic speed—the capability to adapt game plans in response to the opponent’s tactics—plays an instrumental role in basketball. In a dynamic and unpredictable game, a team’s ability to quickly adjust their strategy can be the difference between winning and losing.

Coaches and players must observe the opposing team, recognize patterns, anticipate their moves, and adjust their own tactics on the fly. Successful teams are those that can swiftly shift strategies without losing momentum, capitalizing on their strengths and exploiting their opponents’ weaknesses.

Training for Speed

Given its vital role in basketball, it’s essential for players to train for speed. This includes both physical training—such as sprinting drills, agility ladders, and plyometric exercises—and cognitive training, such as learning to read the game, understanding different strategies, and practicing quick decision-making.

But as Michael Jordan suggested, it’s not about wishing for it to happen; it’s about making it happen. Consistent effort, perseverance, and a growth mindset are required to improve speed. Every practice, every drill, every game is an opportunity to become faster—physically, mentally, and strategically.

Do you have “The Need for Speed”?

I feel very comfortable going at full speed.

Steve Nash, NBA All Star and League MVP

In basketball, speed is far more than just a physical trait—it’s a fundamental element that permeates every aspect of the game. From physical agility to mental acuity, from strategic adaptability to constant learning, speed in its various forms can give players and teams a significant advantage.

In the words of the great basketball coach, Phil Jackson, “Basketball is a sport that involves the subtle interweaving of players at full speed to the point where they are thinking and moving as one.” Speed—whether physical, mental, or strategic—is at the heart of this interweaving, and mastering it is crucial to basketball success.

So, whether you’re a player aiming to improve your game or a coach looking to guide your team to victory, remember—the importance of speed in basketball can never be overstated. As the game continues to evolve, speed remains a key component, underscoring its timeless relevance in this fast-paced sport.

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Inspirational Video – How hard are you working?

The inspirational video below is by ET, the hip hop preacher, and contains one of my favorite quotes…

“All men are created equal… some work harder in preseason.”
– Emmitt Smith

Check it out and see if it is as inspirational for you…

Ask yourself…

How hard are you working on the most important things in your life?

Do you have your priorities clear and in front of you at all times?

Are you willing to give up your cell phone to achieve success?


Intensity Wins

This past week, I witnessed an interesting example of how “Intensity wins basketball games”. Before I tell you that story, let me explain what I mean by “Intensity” as it relates to athletic competition.

Focus + Energy = Intensity

I know you have seen it in games. One team or maybe just a few players on a team want to win more than the other team. They are more “dialed in” on what they need to do as well as what the other team is giving them. These teams have more energy and they get to the loose ball more often than the other team. They are focused. Nothing distracts them when their opponent applies pressure. They execute their game plan and adjust to situations as they come up. They are intent on winning. I have yet to see a team lose that maintains their level of concentration and engages with energy.

Are some times when teams overmatched and have little chance to win? Yes … but they are usually overmatched in how intense they are playing as well.

Where does Intensity come from?

As a coach, how can you improve the intensity that your team brings to the floor? It’s a deep subject but let me say this, “The ability to play with intensity is a skill that is built in the unseen hours of practice and the off-season.” Intensity, while a skill that can be improved, is also a form of character. Players with intensity have enough ego to believe they can win and the will or determination to make it happen. It is rarely something that happens by accident.

I hope you have a sense of what I mean. I may write more about it in the future because I feel it is a topic that is often overlooked yet is critical to a winning mindset. If you want to discuss it further, send me a note via the Coach Wheeler Contact Page or leave a comment below this post.

Back to this week’s game…

The teams were evenly matched with similar records. Physically they were very similar as well. The difference in the intensity that one team brought to the contest showed up early in the first half. They raced out to a good lead. Double digits at times.

The other team mustered a bit of competitive energy and fought back to within 6 points or so. The first team did not lose their intensity and rebuilt their lead. As the game winded down, with less and less time remaining, something interesting happened.

Intense Patience

The team with the lead applied their intensity toward being patient and getting the best shot they could. In this state there is no shot clock so they were able to extend their possession time which reduced the chances for a comeback by the other team.

There were a few sparks of intense effort from a couple players on the other team but there were other players who had clearly given up. In a team sport like basketball, if someone gives up it is very difficult for a team to function at a high level.

It was such a clear demonstration of how intensity wins basketball games that I had to pass along the story to you. Do you have examples of how your team’s intensity helped you win? Or the opposite? How do you channel your teams energy into an intense focus on the game and not on distractions? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

How to Win the Timeout

Brad Stevens - How to Win The Timeout
photo credit:

Have you ever thought about what needs to happen for your team to “win the timeout”? reports that “Possessions after timeouts account for 15-18 percent of possessions in a game. The worst teams score around .7 ppp. Average teams score around .85 ppp. The best score more than 1.0 ppp. And there are many teams who execute better within seconds of receiving advice from the coaching staff.”

Brad Stevens, the head coach for the Boston Celtics, is known for having his team run highly successful plays “After a Time Out” or ATO. How can you “win the timeout”? Answer: If you think about the situation that created the timeout, there are certain things you can do, as a coach, to give your team the best chance for a successful play immediately following the timeout.

Why was the timeout called?

To slow your opponent’s momentum and regroup your team? Or is it the other way around and you are on a run so the opposing coach wants to slow you down? Whatever the reason for the timeout, you can use it to your advantage.

For example, if you are on a roll and the other team is trying to slow you down… why not switch up something when you come out of the timeout? Something that is different from what you have been doing could cause enough confusion on the other team for you to get a steal or force a bad shot.

Doing something unexpected is always a good tactic… as long as it is something you have practiced and that uses your team’s strengths.

Aside from the “unexpected”,
what else can we do to “win the timeout”?

HUSTLE. It can demoralize the other team if you show them that you are not tired (even if you are) by hustling to your bench. It also gives you an extra second or two together that the other team doesn’t get (because you arrive at your bench sooner).

3 PART TIMEOUT. If you are organized as a team, you will be able to accomplish more during your timeout. For example, I like to use a 3 part timeout process which consists of (1) Feedback, (2) Tactics and (3) Motivation.

(1) Feedback is a quick check of the status of your team. Where is their head at? Are they confident and engaged in the game? How tired are they and does anyone need a quick rest? This should not take long, maybe a few seconds, but you want to address any problems they are experiencing on the court.

(2) Tactics. This is typical timeout actions… drawing up plays, switching defenses, whatever you need to do to gain an advantage.

From… Advance scouting, game observation and gut instinct help coaches make the right call in a huddle. Clemson’s Brad Brownell is in his 15th season as a head coach. Over the years, he’s learned that the less information he heaps onto his players in a timeout, the better.

“A clear, concise message is important.” he said. “In a shorter timeout of 30 seconds it might be just giving them one thought as it pertains to what they’re trying to defend, preparation for something that could happen, anticipating, a couple of different play calls or whatever it is.”

(3) Motivation is getting your team excited to execute the plan you have laid out for them after the timeout. If you are not getting a strong response, this is your opportunity to “get them on board’ or make a slight change to the plan. By this point in the timeout, you probably won’t have much time and it is good to have a chant or yell that your team executes at the end of every timeout that gets them going. Again, this should be something that has been practiced so you know how the team will react.

Bottom Line…

Coach Wheeler with the Monadnock team at the Granite State Games
Go Team!

Will this guarantee that you will “win the timeout”? No. All it will do is give you a framework so that you and your team can do their best work. You never know what the competition will do… they may have even read this article too. All you can do is prepare your team and make the best use of the time you are given. That way you at least have a good chance to “win the timeout”. Now,  1-2-3… GO TEAM!

Things I Know – Coach Wheeler’s Basketball edition

This post is about the “Things I Know” when it comes playing basketball “the correct way”, i.e. the way that I like my teams to play. Each of these short “Things I Know” is followed by an action that players should carry out in the described situation.

Are these statements true in every situation? Probably not, but they are true in enough game situations that they should be worth building into your game plan. I should add that as you progress to higher and higher levels of basketball, e.g. college or the pros, the best players know these “things” and make sure they are the “exception to the rule”. In any case, my hope is that these “Things I know” will give you something to think about. (I also look forward to your ideas / feedback in the comments section below!)

1)  Players go slower when dribbling with their weak hand.
—-> Force them to their weak hand.

2)  Players dribbling with their weak hand will look for opportunities to switch back to their strong hand.
—-> Steal the ball when it is “presented”.

3)  Many players (especially in high school) won’t shoot with their weak hand (when they should).
—-> Block the shot.

4)  Offensive players who are trapped will often throw poor passes.
—-> Trap with hands up (don’t foul).
—-> Non-trap defenders must be ready and steal the pass.

5)  Tired players make mistakes.
—-> We want to tire out the other team, especially their primary ball handler(s), so that we can force them into mistakes later in the game.

6)  There is such a thing as a “good foul”.
—-> Non-shooting foul preferred
—-> A good foul prevents the other team from getting an easy shot.
—-> A good foul is also the result of hustle and aggressive defense.

7)  Defenders can U based on these three “Things I know”, if they are studying their opponent…
a) patterns / what the offense has done before
b) what appears to be the offense’s best option
c) where the offensive player is looking.
—-> Steal the ball.

8)  Help Defenders must put their body in the path of the [driving] offensive player.
—-> Concentrate on the ball… and take it away.
—-> Remember where your man was… anticipate the pass and steal it.

9)  On almost every play, a pass goes by a defender at shoulder or waist height but it is not deflected because the defender didn’t have their hands up (or wasn’t paying attention to the ball).
—-> Keep your hands up and in the passing lanes [at “pass height”].
—-> It is OK to stop a pass with your foot. Defense will be called for a “kick” but the other team’s offense will be disrupted and they will have to take the ball out of bounds (OOB).

10)  More fast breaks are killed by the player who rebounds the ball and then holds onto it.
—-> Pass the ball immediately. Know where your team mate will be.

11) Passing is faster than dribbling.
—-> Pass the ball to the open man ahead of you.

12)  RUN. Don’t slow down on a fastbreak. [this is most often done at, or near, the 3 point line].
—-> Break TO the basket first and then create space for a kickout pass.
—-> Don’t forget the 4th or 5th man down the court. Hit the trailer for a layup.
—-> Move the ball! Don’t let the defense set up.

13)  Offensive players must GET OPEN. Standing in place lets the defense to jump the pass when it is thrown to you.
—-> Use contact with your defender to create an opening for the pass.
—-> Put your hand out as a target to show your team mate where to pass the ball.

14)  Don’t run diagonally to get open. [This applies most often to guards being pressured in the backcourt.] Defenders can beat you to the ball when you cut diagonally.
—-> Use contact to get open.

15)  Call out picks. [No Excuses]

16)  When an offensive player picks up their dribble, they are locked to that location on the floor and their passing options are limited.
—-> Scream BALL, BALL, BALL when you see the offensive player pull up their dribble. It will increase their stress level and make it more likely that they will throw a bad pass.
—-> If you are covering the player who pulls up their dribble, get up close and extend your arms. Do not reach. Mirror the ball and try to tip any pass they might try to throw.

No list of “Things I Know” would be complete without mentioning OOB…

17)  When defending an Out of Bounds (OOB) situation, there are 5 defenders and only 4 offensive players on the court. (The inbounding player cannot move, unless it is immediately after a basket.) This gives an advantage to the defense (which many teams do not leverage until, maybe, the last play of the game).
—-> Double team someone, ideally the offensive team’s best player. Prevent the inbound pass to all other players.
—-> If the OOB is under the basket, protect the basket at all costs. “Nothing Inside!”
—-> Switch on picks. Call them out.
—-> Another option is to put your biggest defender (with longest arms) on the guy taking the ball out of bounds and try to tip the inbounds pass. The defender should mirror the ball so they can get a hand on the pass.
—-> If the OOB is after the basket, some of this does not apply…

Those are 17 “Things I know” – Basketball edition. They might also be called Coach Wheeler’s Pet Peeves since they are simple ways that a team can improve their advantage versus the competition. None of these things are very difficult but they do require some effort and even practice so that can be done automatically at a fast pace in a game.

What would you add to this list of Things I know? Please leave a comment below and tell us your ideas.

Power of “Optional”

If you think about it… Basketball is “optional”, especially in middle school and high school. As far as I can tell, no one is ‘required’ to play basketball. Just like no one is ‘required’ to go to college or earn an above average living from a career they enjoy. Almost every great experience or achievement is ‘optional’.

We each get to choose what optional things we want in our life and what optional activities we are willing to put in to our life to get exceptional rewards! As I heard on the Pure Sweat podcast (paraphrasing a bit), “Winning is earned by what you do in the unseen hours.”

Great = Optional

As Jim Collins pointed out in his book, Good to Great, “Good is the enemy of Great.” The reason we have so few things that are great is because what we have is generally “good”. Most people are ready to settle for “good enough” and never discover that they could have achieved something great.

It is very simple. If you want to be great at anything, you have to do things that average people don’t do. You have to do the ‘optional things’. In basketball, if you want to be an all-state player, you need to work on your shot and your athletic ability (assuming those are areas that will make you successful). In school, the optional things could include an extra study session every night or finding a new way to study that is more effective.

Optional is not easy… or hard

Doing extra things, optional things, can be hard. It might involve working harder, getting up earlier than your competition and putting in longer hours. That might be hard… or not. You might actually find ways to enjoy the optional activities. Many athletes are proud of the hours they put in and it gives them a sense of confidence that they would not have otherwise.

Optional can be easy. Press the easy button.On the other hand, optional things could actually BE easy. Finding a new way of doing something can almost instantly take your performance to a new level.  Reading on your topic of interest, while perhaps mentally taxing, can be a physically relaxing activity that can give you an advantage over the competition.

Referring back to Jim Collin’s book, Good to Great, one of the counter-intuitive findings that he came up with, and documented with a number of stories in his book, is that it isn’t really harder to go for great than it is to settle for “good”. Are there some different activities? Sure. Do great teams do things different from good teams? Sure. But does it have to be harder? Definitely not.

Quick Mental Training Tip…

Whether something is easy or hard, good or bad… is your choice. You get to define the meaning of everything in your life. A person’s definition of ‘reality’ can be very subjective so why not choose the meaning that gives you the best results. If you want it to be easy, make it easy. If you want to challenge yourself with something hard, make it hard. You get to choose.

Bottom Line…

The optional effort is what makes you stand out. As I’ve said in another article, Hustle is a way to stand out… and Hustle is clearly ‘optional’. What other activities do you need to do to get what you want? By doing the ‘optional’, you are setting yourself from the pack, from the ‘average’ results and shooting for something better. How far are you willing to go? Your limits are just an illusion set up by other people. You can do more than you even imagine!

HUSTLE – It sets you apart.

At the InviteOnly 2017 PreSeason Basketball Camp held last weekend at Keene State College, I gave a brief impromptu “speech” about the topic of “Hustle” and how it can set you apart from other players trying out for your team.

Based on the reception of that speech about the importance of hustling, I figured it might be a good topic for a post on this blog as well. Clearly Hustling is tied to your mental toughness because, for most players, it does come naturally… at first. Once you start to hustle, you will find that it will become easier. You will have to think about it at first but eventually it will become automatic. You just have to make the decision to start NOW!

What is “Hustle”?

Hustling is the act of “not waiting for things to happen” but rather doing whatever it takes to “make things happen”. It is all about increasing the pace that you do things.

Why does Hustle matter?

Hustling is visible. It tells your team mates that what you are doing is important and can’t wait. It tells your coach that you are enthusiastic about being on the team and, to a certain extent, that you are a hard worker. As a player who hustles, it is clear that you are putting in an extra effort… and coaches love to see that.

Hustling builds confidence. You might not notice it, but as you are hustling, you are getting results FASTER than others. It is like you are winning a race against people who don’t even know that there is a race going on. With time, your “hustle habit” will give you confidence both in the areas where you develop skills as well as areas you have not even tried. Why? Because you will know that HUSTLE WORKS.

Hustling gives you a head start. You arrive early while others show up at the last minute. Since you have more time to become accustomed to whatever situation you find yourself in, you have more time to take [a better] action. All because you hustled while others took their own sweet time. Why do you think that “the early bird gets the worm”?

Where should I be Hustling?

You should hustle in any area of your life that you want to achieve superior results. People who hustle in business get more done and make more money. People who hustle in school get better grades and get into better colleges. People who hustle in relationships show how important these relationships are to them.

What is important to you?

hustle NOWWant to improve your chances of making the team?
Start Hustling.

Want to improve the likelihood that you will get more minutes in the game?
Start Hustling.

If something is important to you… You should be hustling.
The time to Hustle is NOW.